The Vape Redemption Project
Building Ireland's answer to sustainable, eco-friendly solutions for your used vapes.
Sign up to be one of the first to test our beta app
Enactus Ireland National Champions 2023
Enactus World Cup at Utrecht, The Netherlands
Follow VapeBox as we compete with Team Trinity, 17th - 20th October 2023
Who we are
VapeBox, The Vape Redemption Project has found the solution to the problem of single-use vape waste
Single-use vapes contain valuable lithium-ion batteries.
Enough lithium is thrown away per year to make batteries for 1,200 electric vehicles (BoIJ UK, 2022)
71% of people we surveyed did not know that vapes can be recycled
56% of regular and social vapers
in Ireland dispose of their vapes
in the black bin.
Careless battery waste is
killing our environment
Toxic battery waste can leak into the soil, waterways and can cause landfill fires.
VapeBox incentivises
responsible vape recycling
Our beta app will allow users to find their closest VapeBox, scan the QR code on our box, collect points and redeem them for rewards.
More accessible vape recycling
We want to make vape recycling accessible to social vapers as
this is where the majority of
vape waste occurs.
Our solution
We aim to connect college campuses, student accommodation, nightclubs and pubs with retailers, waste management and recycling companies to combat the harmful effects of disposable vapes on our city ecosystem.
Our project partners
If you would like to have VapeBox at your event or establishment, please reach out to us on
LinkedIn, Instagram or [email protected]